Tuesday, January 09, 2007


LIER!!! LIIIIIEERRRRRRRRRRR!!! Humperdink Humperdink Humperdink.

I love that movie.

I should know better than to talk to him right now. I should know better than to have coffee with him right now. I should know better than to think that the man who's character I believed was set in stone was more than just a bunch of smoke and mirrors and bullshit for the benefit of the show.

And to that I say Humperdink.

I know better. I'm not blind. I'm not a fucking moron.

There, I feel better now.


Oh, by the way...love y'all too!


Sean said...

can i get in now? or did you open it up for everyone just because i was crying?

bslawg said...

I was fucking around with it earlier...I don't know what I did. Just about the time I thought the blogger problems were behind me.

bslawg said...

You've got my e-mail though...right? If it happens again e-mail me.

Sean said...

i don't actually. mcgranes@gmail/hotmail for me.

SBS said...

What happened??