Friday, February 24, 2006


I'm a deadline junkie. I need deadlines. I crave deadlines. If I don't have a deadline I'm a sloth. If I have a deadline I'll push it right up till the last minute. The thrill of being able to accomplish two weeks worth of work in 20 minutes just can't be topped. And my brain simply won't work if it doesn't have to. There's an ongoing dialog that happens:

Me "Ok, time to work".

Brain "Is it Friday already?"

Me "No, it's only Monday, but this is due on Friday. We need to get started on it because it's going to take forever. If we don't get moving we're going to wait till the last minute and it will be crappy."

Brain "Pshaw. We've got plenty of time. It's only 20 pages. You type fast. I think fast. Besides, we haven't had any serious 'me' time for at least 45 minutes."

Me "REALLY, we have to get this done. If it doesn't get done I'm going to lay awake at night and panic until Friday afternoon. Seriously, we really need to start on it."

Brain "You sure you want to start on it now? It's already 5:00. You really should go home. You really shouldn't set the precedent of working all night. Let's wait till tomorrow."

Me "Ok".

That is the conversation that goes on in my head all week long. Until finally it's 3:00 on Friday and my brain kicks into go mode and I get all of the work done for the week. It is now 5:45. I have done 40 hours worth of work in the last 8. Not because it really wasn't 40 hours worth of work. Not because I slacked off and did shitty work. But because that's how I work. I'm efficient like that.

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