Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Though the forces of evil may draw us apart, I have faith that the sweetness of love will once again bring us together.

I need a donut. I don't even care what kind of donut. I need sugary goodness starchy fat oozing down with a cold glass of milk. If that glass of milk has remnents of oreo's from moments gone by I will not complain. I need calories. My body is craving them. I hate diets.

I'm not really on a diet per se. I'm on a "no more crap for you" life plan. It's not that I'm unhappy with my weight. Ok it is, but I'm a woman, that's allowed. It's more along the lines of I would really like to be able to wear short skirts and swim suits without having to drink a martini first. That, and Ms. Reality has decided I need to be on a fitness kick right now, so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone.

So a couple of weeks ago, Ms. Reality and I were having drinks and we decided we'd run an 8K in April. Ahhh, brilliant. As with most of our ideas that happen over a couple of drinks, it sounded good at the time.

DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG 8K is? It's really really really far! I'm up to three miles a day right now, but it hurts and it takes forever. I can't walk. I can't sit. I can't breath. It hurts to blink. I hate her.
I think after the race I'm going to have a Krispy Kreme Blizard, deep fried with gravy and a side of onion rings. And a large diet coke please.

1 comment:

bslawg said...

Every now and then you need to break the rules. Have a donut!