Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Admission is the First Step

Occasionally I kind of joke about being a nerd, but there are days when the truth of the statement smacks me in the face.

I read. I read a lot. I read like most people watch movies. Once I start a book I do not have the ability to put it down. I don't care how crappy the book is, stopping a book in the middle is like pausing a movie for three days and coming back to it. It just isn't done.

A few years ago I discovered Neil Stephenson. I was lucky enough to discover Neil by reading Cryptonomicon before anything else. Now, I don't say this lightly, but it is perhaps the best book I have ever read. Honestly. I get teased because everytime I meet someone I ask them if they have read it. I know I have a friend when they say yes. I have purchased at least 25 copies of this book just to give away. I still don't think anyone I've given it to has read it though. It's about 1100 pages long, but worth every minute.

I've never been much of a fantasy reader. Don't get me wrong, I read the basics...Ender, Hitchhiker, LOTR, Wrinkle...you know. But I didn't get into the whole "dragonslayerobsessiveprincessrenesancefestivleweirdpeople" sci-fi state of mind. Maybe I was just rebelling against my inner geek. I don't know.

So, this summer I got bored re-reading the Baroque cycle and the Enders series. I branched out and tried to read something thinkie thinkie, but A.S. Byatte just isn't good "beach reading". I read Blink, I read Tipping Point, I re-read 7 Habits, but I was starving for a good summer read. I tried to feed that hunger with romance novels, and found I am entirely too bitter to even get past the first chapter.

Then I found Robert Jordan. I have now officially delved into the world of geekdome. I must proudly proclaim my title. I just finished the first book in the Wheel of Time series. That, in and of itself, does not make me a geek. What makes me a geek is the fact that when I logged onto my computer this morning I didn't go check my e-mail first. I didn't go check my blog first. I didn't even go check my horoscope first. I started researching the author, and the book series. THAT in and of itself, does not make me a geek. What makes me a geek is the little flutter I got in my chest when I saw that there was an official RPG game based around the books.

I've never been into RPGs. I've never played an online RPG. I've never dressed the part of a character for anything and pretended to make it my own. (Other than Halloween.) I am seriously tempted.

I am Geek. Hear me wheeze.


Paperback Writer said...

Oh, my dear lord in heaven.

Loki hates/loves Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. He feels that RJ is never going to finish the damn series before he dies.

Yes! Embrace your inner geek!

Paperback Writer said...

Never played an RPG, huh?


Sounds like your first steps into further geekdom!

Chris said...

Everyone is a geek. We all have our little things. As PW said, embrace!

Since you are such an avid reader (as I was before I got a job as a tech writer), have you read Seven Types of Ambiguity by Elliot Perlman? That may be my favorite right there.

Trouble said...

George R.R. Smith. Wonderful stuff. i just finished up book 4.

Trouble said...

Oh, and here's a good introductory online RPG game that's free:


If you start playing, message me in the game and let me know: pat_the_bunn. I'll give you some free stuff to get you started.

Paperback Writer said...

For a while my friend and I were conducting an email RPG. Fun stuff, until she got ditzy and busy. I miss it.

SBS said...

I am a huge nerd...the reasons why are to long to list. But, I love my little nerdy self! Long may we live!!!

SBS said...

PS....thanks for getting rid of the word verification

SBS said...

oh, and just for the record....I have no idea what an RPG is....

bslawg said...

PW - It appears Loki and I have the same taste in books. He is brilliant, if I do say so myself.

Chris - Ambiguity is a fantastic book. Still not as good as Cryptonomicon, but good nonetheless

Trouble - As soon as I finish my obsessive reading of the book I'm on I'll likely join you...I'll shoot you a note and let you know. *sigh*.

SBS - You're welcome dear. And it's "Role Playing Game". Thus, technically my statement that I've never played an RPG game is repetitive and bad grammer. Oh well.

I'd post more all, but I have to read now!!!

Paperback Writer said...

Last night at dinner, we all got into a group discussion about being geeks. Trouble threw up her hands and declared - "I don't feel so geek now!"


Don't worry. We beat her senseless afterwards! ;)

Trouble said...

I'm a huge geek, but it's mostly internal...aka, I don't speak any klingon and I can pass amongst non-geeks.

Trouble said...

(PW also probably falls into this category)

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