Friday, July 28, 2006

The Demasculinisation of the Modern Man

I'm an independent woman. I do not consider my gender to be something that prevents me from achieving that which I set out to do. It has never hindered me in the past. By virtue of the fact that I was born with a vagina, I am not bound to a kitchen or the whims of a man. I have the ability and the talent to achieve goals set for myself.

That said, one of the things that makes me want to scream is hitting the boundaries of the Neanderthal man. For some reason, birth with a penis gives them some sense that they must (a) make more money than me, (b) protect me from unseen dangers, (c) eat my cooking, and/or (d) solve my problems. Um...thanks but no.

For example: Neanderthal men underestimate the power of education in children. Education in children extends beyond the time they spend in the school room with publicly funded curriculum. Now, before everyone screams and yells at me, let me state that this - with all other statements made here today - is a broad generalization.

Part of education must, in my opinion, extend into the home. The easiest way to extend education into the home, with children between the ages of 8 and 16 is to force reading. By force, I do not mean bull whips and thumb cuffs. I mean force, as in it is as expected as cleaning up the dishes when you are done, and making your own bed. It's just part of life.

However, children cannot be expected to read when they do not have access to books. This statement may seem obvious, but it still brings a sense of awe to my mind. I have a difficult time imagining a childhood without books. I have a difficult time imagining life without books.

So, when independent woman takes Neanderthal man's children to the bookstore to buy them necessities of life, you would think this would be seen as a good thing, right? No. Somehow it is an affront to Neanderthal man's masculinity.

Who would have thought that the modern man could be completely demasculinised by a book.



Sean said...

funny as hell, looking in from the outside. but kudos to you for doing it. you're right. kids just need to have daily reading normalized for them, so that it's an ingrained part of their life.

Chris said...

hmmm. Whoever could you be talking about...?

My parents mandated reading when I was a child but not directly. They simply removed all other options. We had no video games, no cable, and could only watch TV about two hours a day. That left books and playing outside. We did so much of both. And I think it was the best way. I'm not very educated, have a healthy imagination, and read constantly (including for a living).

Basically, I concur. :)

Trouble said...

This isn't a modern man. Sorry. Modern men read books.

SBS said...

I agree totally. I don't even have a baby yet and she already has 4 shelves full of books....not to mention the hundreds that I have at school....

As a teacher, I can not emphasize the importance of reading enough. Keep taking them to the book the where ever books are available.

Paperback Writer said...

Word, Trouble, Word.