Monday, November 06, 2006


My brother is a techno geek. I generally grew up in a techno geek family. Where most families poured over the latest car magazines, or the NY Times, my family poured over PC Magazine and Engineers Weekly. Believe me when I say I'm the idiot of the family, and I'm the lawyer.

That said, my brother and I were on the phone the other day. He was explaining the latest in software development and a technique called Fuzzing. I, being the sicko that I am, of course had to make an off color reference to furries. Not at all the same thing...still a funny techno joke in there somewhere I think.

But it's an interesting concept. Evidently the theory behind Fuzzing is that you take a piece of software, or hardware, and just throw a bunch of inputs at it to see what happens. The goal is to see how far it will last before it crashes, or to test it's outward capability. Yes, there is a much more technologically complicated way to explain it, but I think that about covers the basics for my purposes anyway.

So, I spent the weekend Fuzzing my brain. This was the big weekend. George left on Friday to go tell the kids. He's physically coming home today, but I don't expect him to really be here. This was the last step in his emotional preparation to leave.

As my preparation to him being gone I Fuzzed. I alternated between listening to every Ani DiFranco CD I could find, and watching Princess Bride and When Harry Met Sally. I knitted. I cried. I screamed at the walls. I cried. I looked at all the pictures I had of him. I cried. I re-read every conversation we had on IM that was stored in my archives. I cried. I re-read all of my texts from him. I cried. I finished packing away all of the movie stubs, concert tickets, receipts, and stuffed animals I had acquired from him over the past year. I cried. It was my own personal emotional fuzzfest.

I don't know if it worked. I don't know what I expected. But it was an interesting experiment. This does not mean, however, that I will experiment with furries at some point. But it does prove that I have a warped ability to mutilate technology to my own evil purposes...bwah ha ha ha.


Paperback Writer said...

Soo....other than that, how are you?

SBS said...

I'm sorry. That's it...That's all I got. No words of wisedome....No fabulous advice. Nothing. Just, my sympathy....And, that is overflowing, my friend.