Saturday, September 09, 2006

Why I Went To Law School

I hate doctors. I'm sure they are fine and fabulous people on their own, outside their profession, but I hate doctors.

I spent the whole day at the doctor's office yesterday. I've had some symptoms, which I tried to ignore, which couldn't be ignored any longer. So, I broke down and went to the doctor. It was bad. I got poked and prodded and pinched and generally felt invaded by the end of the day. And when it was all said and done, I'm broke.

I won't know exactly what's wrong with me until the tests come back on Tuesday. It could be as little as a gland malfunction, or as major as cancer. You would have thought with the advances in modern medicine that they would be able to narrow it down more than that. But, alas, I must spend the weekend in a panic, waiting to find out exactly how broke I am.

But, with the aid of the handy dandy intranet, I'm feeling a lot more optimistic today. But I still hate doctors.


SBS said...

Jesus! I hope everything is okay.... And, I'm going to be gone... Ugghhh.... I will worry.

Sean said...

crap. i'll be thinking and praying for you.

Michelle said...

I hope everything turns out okay. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Osquer said...

I hate doctors, too! No I don't - they've saved my life more than once! I just hate having to go see them so often.

I really hope you feel better, hon, in all ways!

Chris said...

I hate doctors too. They really give you no reassurance and let you fester in your own worries. I hope your test turn out ok. Good luck.

Paperback Writer said...

I hope you're okay!

With my mom being a doctor, I know how to wringe the right answers out of them. Right - as in, tell me or I'm going to hurt you. I've also learned how not to act in and around doctors.

For instance, if you hurt yourself - say breaking your ribs, go to a doctor. Don't do what my mother, the doctor, does.


