First...a comment on comments and responses. The other day, Paperback Writer posed a very interesting question. Whether she is the only person who responds to all of her comments. Which made me feel guilty for not responding to all of my comments. The problem is, I'm so wordy that a comment response won't do, thus I just create a new blog entry. Trust me when I say, I read you all regularly, even if I don't comment. I don't comment because I don't have anything intelligent to say. If I don't respond to the comments you have left, please don't take it personally. I read those too. I love comments. The other thing I should point out, I'm terrible with correspondence. I'm the world's worst at sending thank you notes, actually returning phone calls, writing people back, or anything remotely related to that genre of communication. Responding to comments is lumped into that genre. So with that said...BPI...don't be mad, I'm just lazy.
Second...on Mr. Stonecold. After Monday's post and corresponding responses (that sounds redundant, but it's not), I was floored. I hadn't thought about it in the same way as everyone who commented. I got called out on the shit that I needed to be called out on. As I said before, thanks. I was upset as the comments kept rolling in. I was chatting online with Mr. Stonecold (as we have a tendency to do when we're not together), and I had him read the comments and asked him if I was over reacting. Of course I was...but there is more.
He said he felt like an asshole. Which opened up a whole dialog that neither one of us really wanted to have at that point. I haven't lied in any of my blogs, they are simply my emotional purging of an emotional situation. I haven't hidden the truth, only transmitted the truth as viewed by me.
After two excrutiating hours online, here is what I learned in a nutshell. He never wanted to hurt me. It is killing him that he has hurt me in any way. He cares deeply about my feelings. I am his confidant, his best friend, and his partner, and he's as torn up about leaving me as I am about leaving him. We were not supposed to become emotionally involved, fall in love or get hurt. And he is not going to make any declarations of feelings before he leaves because that is only going to make leaving that much harder. Those are his words, not mine. my defense. I recognize I have given him control over areas that are going to leave me scarred and in pain for a very long time. That is part of love. I don't know if I will ever be given the opportunity to love my best friend like this again in my life. I don't know that I would take it if given. But, I know that it was an exercise I needed to go through. I needed to see that love has to go both ways. I needed to see that I can't just have sex and not be emotionally involved. I needed to see that I could love, and lose, and deal with the pain and not crumble. I learned a lot with him. And there is no one else I would rather have learned it with.
And I've come to realize that I rely on the sounding board of my readers. I need the comments of those who have followed the story to keep me level. I appreciate all you have to say, even when I don't really want to hear it. So as one general response to all the comments...thanks. Love you all.
Honey, I love you too. As I've said before, only you can know what's right for you. I'm sorry if my opinion was one of the ones that upset you. I only want to see you happy! I actually would like to see Mr. Stonecold happy, too. I don't want to hurt him or anything. I just want him to stop hurting you.
Oh, I will always be commenting. I can't help myself. And I tend to be able to relate to aspects of your situation.
love you too, with osqeur, I never meant to upset you....just want you to be happy!!
Thanks ladies. I didn't mean to be a whiner. Like I said, I was over reacting. You know your friends are your friends when they'll call you out on your shit. I'm so thankful I have people who do that.
I'm sorry my words were so harsh. I just don't like to see people I care about being hurt.
Of course, when we love, we open ourselves up to being hurt, that's the other side of the coin. I know that for me, at least, I can't have sex without developing feelings. I just know that is who I am, and have to deal with that fact.
My dear, that's what we're here for. To call others on what seems to be shit. We mean this with good intentions. That being said, I'm glad that Mr. Stonecold saw that 1. he was being an ass and 2. realized that he was hurting you.
Perhaps my opinion of him has changed.
And on another note, I didn't mean to make you guilty! :) Really! Don't feel guilty. :) Sometimes when I'm commenting to a comment I ask myself why. I don't have anything useful to say. So, really, don't feel guilty!
Okay, that was me. Sorry for the blogger freak out. It wanted to post my stupid comment three times. Who wants that?!?
i should respond much better, but don't. i feel your pain. i'm totally proud of myself for just getting around to sending out thank you cards for the interviews.
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