Friday, September 29, 2006

Footnote Expanded

Yesterday's post was a little saccharine. Yeah. But I warned you all.

My blog has always (well since January) been my catharsis. I go here to purge the unreasonable girly feelings I don't particularly (a) enjoy or (b) express. Until pghguy came along no one even read it. Stonecold didn't know it existed for a couple of months, and after he found it the first time he was so emotionally scarred he said he would never read it again. Well, we all know how far that goes. Now, to the best of my knowledge, he reads the blog regularly. Hi sweetie. Now quit reading.

Not you, him.

Last night, after I posted, he read the blog. We were chatting online, as we do, and he pops up and says the dinner thing is part of a conference and it was my idea to get dressed up. Without actually denying that it's a date, he said it's not a date. And then he said that the invitation to the birthday thing came because his friend hadn't seen me in a while and wanted to see me too. I, in my defensiveness, shut down. I told him I didn't want to talk about it. He did finally concede that "we" were invited. And the the subject was dropped.

Whatever. This is the same old bullshit which starts the bullshit that leads to the bullshit that I'm sick of bullshitting. He does one thing, and then says another, and when confronted on it plays it off like it's all in my head. I'm not crazy. I'm not stupid. I know what I see, I know what it means, and I know how to interpret the actions. I just don't know why he plays twit in the end.

He is dreamy (except for the currently yellow hair). He is wonderful. He is amazing. He is thoughtful and intelligent and respectful and inciteful and caring and compassionate and truly unique. But there is a switch that gets thrown when this topic comes up. And he turns into a twit. And I don't like him very much then.

The reason I don't like him very much then is because it comes down to two options. Either he's playing games with me and he's the biggest asshole I've ever met, or he's just plain stupid and doesn't see what he's doing. I've tried to believe he's stupid, but he's not. He is very analytical. He plans out each action with decided clarity. He thinks through each angle of an issue before taking any affirmative step. He knows exactly what he's doing.

Thus, here are the facts as stated in the light most favorable to the non-moving party: We are friends. I am his best friend. He is my best friend. We have been in a monogamous sexual relationship for about a year. I have emotions involved. He is aware of the emotions involved. He cares about my feelings. We talk every day. We see each other almost every day. We have designed dream houses together. I have met his whole family. I have hung out with his whole family, including his kids. He has never admitted we are dating. He has conceded reluctantly that we are "seeing" each other. He has never asked me out on a "date". He has never given me flowers. He has never given me a card. He has never acknowledged a holiday with a present. He has continuously stated that he does not date. He has, on numerous occasions, stated that he does not have romantic feelings for me. He does not hold my hand in public.

It's obvious. I know. Time to move on.


Osquer said...

So he wants all the benefits of a relationship without any of the responsibility.

As much as I would like the twit to come to his senses and make both of you wildly happy, it doesn't look like he has the ability. He is emotionally retarded. He may be a good man, but he is incapable of a true relationship.

Yes, it's time to move on.

Chris said...

PghGuy was my first reader too. I miss him :( He is how I found most of who I read.

Yes, move on. MOVE ON. If he has to drag out every definition and excuse every action so painfully, fuck it. Stop defining. Stop asking. Live it and say goodbye.

Osquer said...

I miss PghGuy too! The first picture I posted on my blog was in response to the one he posted of his roses. I have a gorgeous King Kong coleus that I bought because of the kong jokes on his site. (There I was at Home Depot laughing my butt off at these little plants and only Pgh's readers would have known why!) I e-mailed him pictures of it right after I bought it when it was a little tiny thing. (He thought that was hilarious!) Now it's huge and I think of him every time I walk past it. I've started saving seeds from it so I can plant them next year.

Trouble said...

It's the handholding that would do it for me. The kind of guy I want to be with is the one who wants EVERYONE to know he's with me. No ambiguity, no head games, no bullshit.

I don't know what happened to this guy to get him to this place but I think that his leaving is happening at a GOOD time (not a bad one) for you. You clearly want more, and he's helped you realize that, but I don't think you're going to get it from him.

And you deserve it.

Clean break, plenty of tears, but in 6 months, you'll be doing better and will be ready to try again.

SBS said...

Okay, my friend....where do I begin.....

If he is truely planning each move with a deliberate attempt to play games with your mind, then run! RUN AND NEVER LOOK BACK!!!

When I read yesterday's post (today) I thought it was his way of saying good-bye. I guess it was just an assumption on my part, but a part of me thinks it is true, even though he will deny it.

I am trying to figure out what exactly what he is afraid of. You are sooooooo close to a real relationship.....the differences are so minute....and, sadly, in some cases, no different. I just don't get it.

Since he has been reading your blog I think he should respond.

And, on another note, PGH was my first non family/friend reader as well. And, like Chirs, he was the path that led me to most of the blogs I read. And, he specifically told me to check out your blog...... To which I am very grateful.

Two Roads said...

Annie at

would be a good source to discuss this. I vote with everyone else. Move on.

Paperback Writer said...


Don't let him have the milk for free.

Wait, that came out wrong.


Move on.

Sean said...

you know, i've been trying not to take sides. but this week is weird. and watching some of the crap my little sister is going through because of my older sister has me a little irritated. so this might not be totally fair to stonecold, but he's an ass.

he's leaving. he is joining the army, and while that doesn't prevent people from having a relationship, getting married, whatever, you guys have decided that this will officially be the end for the two of you. given that, and the fact that he's leaving, why the hell can't he just be a freaking man and let you guys be a "we" or an "us" and let the big "let's get dressed up" dinner be a big, romantic final gesture. why can't he say "i love you" and give you that wonderful closure before you're left to pick up the pieces. what does that cost him?

he's an ass. a selfish ass and at this point i'd say cut the ties now instead of later.