Sunday, August 13, 2006

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Sorry for the absence. The dog ate my blog. Ok, not really, I got pulled over on my way to blog. Ok, not really. I don't know, I've been busy.

On occasion, one of the things I have to do as a lawyer is teach other lawyers how to be lawyers. Yeah, talk about the blind leading the blind. Anyway, that means I have to really dress up and stuff to talk to a bunch of lawyers who aren't paying attention to me. Usually it's only an hour or two. This time it was six. It's over. I'll save you the boring details.

The big story of the weeks involves Mr. Stonecold. (I know I can hear the sarcastic gasps of surprise.) He had to take his kids back to their mom's this week. They live about 10 hours away. I went with him to help with the drive. I'm still processing that one.

One of the things I did learn this week was that Mr. Stonecold has a depth that I never even imagined. I'm a pretty intuitive person in general. Usually I have the ability to figure people out within a very short period of time. Rarely does someone surprise me after that. Mr. Stonecold continues to surprise me. We've known each other for over three years. We've spend hours and hours talking with each other, picking on each other, laughing, crying, the works. But he still has the ability to surprise me, or tell me something I didn't know about him, or do something that is beyond what I thought his character was. The more time we spend together, the more I'm convinced I don't know half of what there is to know about him. That intrigues me.

I'll post more soon. I need to process the 10 hours of conversation we had on the trip home. Perhaps that will clear things up.

Oh yeah, and I have to post about Ms. Twinkie and her new boyfriend, even though she insists they're not dating. (Ugh, ongoing variation on a theme?)


SBS said...

I think we never really know can be interesting sometimes, though....

Hope the trip was good and that you are processing happy thoughts....

Chris said...

hmmmm. I am curious about the ten hour conversation.

Paperback Writer said...

My friend's sister took three years to admit that they were dating. They got married last year (two weeks after me) and just had their first child. ;)