Sunday, July 16, 2006

This is Law Girl's Anger

Fuck head fucker head fuck head. That's all I have to say about that. Ok, you know me better than that, it's not all I have to say about that, I'm going to rage for a minute.

As I type, I'm sitting in his house, at his computer, watching his kids. Yup, that's me...the fucking babysitter. Don't get me wrong. I love his kids. We get along great. If I hadn't come over and watched them he would have had to have taken them with him. Babysitting isn't really the issue. The issue is that he's not here and I want to castrate him. He's doing some "work". Yeah, uh huah. Work.

One of the original understandings of our relationship was that we would be monogamous. Not necessarily exclusive, but monogamous. There is a distinction, but for me at least that distinction doesn't come into play until I've had three too many at the bar. But still, we're supposed to be monogamous.

I have it on pretty good authority that he's not. I know we're just in it for the sexual relationship. I know I'm just a piece of ass to him, but god damn it, it's a disease free piece of ass and I'd like to keep it that way!

Fuck head fucker head.

He's such a shit head. There are times I'm pretty sure he's just runnin scared. I'm willing to hang out for runnin scared. We're friends. We're really good friends. He tells me I know him better than 99% of the people in his life. He tells me everything. Or so I thought. He whines at me. He complains to me. I baby him, I yell at him, I call him on his shit. We have a fantastic friendship. But this is just fucking rude.

I don't care what kind of sexual relationship exists, when the friendship exists like it does, he should fucking tell me. It's time for a knock down drag out. This one might draw blood.

He's leaving tomorrow for the week again. Right now I think that's a good thing. Fuck head fucker head.

Now, that is all I have to say about this.


Ms. Twinky said...

Uuummmm... What the fuck happened? I was willing to take his kids today, why didn't one of you call me? What "work"? It's Sunday. What the fuck?

Chris said...

Shady, very shady. Shady and inappropriate. If in fact he is violating the monogamous agreement, he definitely should not have YOU watching his fucking kids. And if there is a monogamous agreement and you are good friends, yes, he should have fucking told you. I say it again, BREAK! Good luck.

Paperback Writer said...

Word, Chris. Word. Very shady, underhanded and inappropriate.

Osquer said...

Honey, if you have any doubts about his honesty, you should cut it off. No, no not that, I meant cut the sex off. If you decide to keep letting him fuck you (and that's what he's doing), MAKE HIM WEAR A CONDOM! You owe it to YOURSELF to keep that ass disease free!

Paperback Writer said...

Word Osquer. Word.

bslawg said...

You all are very right...but no one gave me permission to castrate him.

I guess I don't really need permission do I?

Trouble said...

This guy is a tard. Run. Run fast. Not only is he doing inappropriate things like letting his kids get attached to his "unemotional fuck buddy," but he's using you as a back-up for him while he pursues other options?

You so deserve better than this.

You know, at first I just thought that he was scared because he'd been burned. Now, i think he's a bastard who's just using you.

The best way to castrate this prick? Remove your pussy far, far away from him. Stop caring. Stop responding to him. Go on with your life. Be happy. Meet someone who will treat you like the princess you are. It isn't him. His emotional hang-ups are a tool he's using to keep stringing you along so he can take advantage of your hopes for the future.

For better or worse, you've gotten attached, and you need to unattach yourself pronto.

Trouble said...

Good article: When the alarm bells are ringing and we aren't hearing them

And another relevant one...he's gaming you

Ms. Twinky said...

Between Chris, Osquer42, and Trouble in Shangri La, I think you get the idea on what we all think you should do. However, I agree and will give the permission to castrate him. Is it wrong that I want to help?

I agree that at this point he is probably using you. A wise woman once told me that it's not our fault that men are assholes. But it is our fault if we deside to stick around and take it.