Friday, June 30, 2006

Midlife Crises

When I was a child, and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up...the answer was "a lawyer". From as early as I can remember, it is all I have attained to be. Now the road of life offered some twists and turns so that it took me a while to get there. But I made it. The big fat question of the day...Now what?

I love what I do. Don't get me wrong. I even enjoy my field of law. It can be emotionally draining, if not particularly intellectually taxing, but it has it's own rewards. I just don't see myself doing this for another 20 years.

I have friends who work at the "big firms". I'm not a big firm kinda girl. I like to sleep in my bed, not at my desk. I like to go home. I like to have a life outside of my job. Yes, the paycheck would be nice, but I am not looking to be a cog in the machinery of the white collar.

I have friends who work in public interest. They wear whatever they want to work. They work 6-8 hours a day. They don't get paid beans, but they have a fair amount of freedom. Their only pressure is whether funding will be available to continue to employ them for another year. The downside of working in public interest is that the people you come into daily contact with make me want to poke my eyes out with a sharp stick. The majority of the work is polishing brass on the titanic.

I have friends who work for the government. Either as clerks, prosecutors, defenders, or lobbiests. Government work is ok. I didn't mind working for the government. It was a little structured for me. If you don't like TPS reports, you won't like working for the government. Me and TPS reports did not get along. That, and I'm a little too outspoken to stay employed at a governmental agency for too long without drawing attention to myself.

I have friends who are self employed. I've tried that rout. Didn't work.

So now what? Do I go back on white collar welfare and get my MBA? Do I try to get my own cooking show on the Food Network? Do I attempt to write my own romance novels based on the sorry experiences of my love life? Do I find a sugar daddy to let me sit by the pool and tan all day? I have no idea. Maybe I should play the lottery.


Sean said...

when you figure this out, can you share the answer and help guide the rest (me, i don't care about the rest) of us out? i lose mass amounts of sleep worrying about which way to zig or zag here.

Sean said...

when you figure this out, can you share the answer and help guide the rest (me, i don't care about the rest) of us out? i lose mass amounts of sleep worrying about which way to zig or zag here.

SBS said...

if you go the sugar daddy route...ask himif he has a brother...or a friend...for me. Thanks :)

Osquer said...

This is a fabulous description of my job sometimes: "the people you come into daily contact with make me want to poke my eyes out with a sharp stick. The majority of the work is polishing brass on the titanic."

I'm diabetic, so I guess I need a Splenda Daddy.