Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Mental Masturbation Wednesday

So last night I got yelled at for generalizing all men as assholes. I was asked if I was going to let one man ruin it for the bunch.

Which got me thinking about two things.

First, I don't think I'm letting one guy ruin it for the bunch. I think the bunch has ruined it for that one guy. Every guy - without exception - that I have trusted has either turned out to be a cheater, a liar, an abuser, an addict or some combination of the four. Every time I take the leap of faith, in hopes that the next one will prove my "all men are assholes theory" wrong, I'm once again given more information confirming my hypothesis. Somebody prove me wrong. PLEASE.

Second, at what point do chances run out? At what point do you have to take the risk and allow for human mistakes? Why is it that the "unforgivable" becomes forgivable in time? Why is it that some people just have that ability to crawl under our skin and stay there, no matter what they do? I believe it was Einstein who said "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results." At what point do we go from being loving and open to being insane?

All I know is I'd rather be bitter than crazy. Then again, they have meds for crazy.

This mental masturbation moment brought to you by Law Girl.


SBS said...

I always loved that quote....

Bitter or crazy? Hmmm...Well, I'm already crazy....maybe that helps ease the bitterness....And, the drugs for crazy are fantastic, let me just say :)

SBS said...

ps....the picture is awesome!! YOu always have the best pictures!

My Life Is God's Comic Strip said...

First: You are correct, guys are assholes. You just need to find one that is the kind of asshole you can stand for more that five minutes before you want to bash his head in with your hard cover Rules of Civil Procedure.

Second: the "forgiveability" of actions is in direct proportion to your level of desperation. As you increasingly become more and more desperate, things that at some point were unforgiveable, miraculasly lose that taint. And also, if you continue to see the same shit over and over again, it loses its shock value and becomes "shoulder-shrug" ok. Normal is relative to your surroundings.

Osquer said...

MLIGCS has a good take on this.

I know only two men that I have never thought were assholes. One is my father and the other is my brother. And before you ask, girls, sorry, my brother's gay.

bslawg said...

As always MLIGCS manages to say it better than I can think it.

Bashing heads? I prefer the Fed Tax Updates...they're thicker.

BTW Osquer, have you heard from Bea? Is she ok?

Megan said...

Law Girl, did you hear back from the Dream Job yet? Sending good vibes your way!

bslawg said...

Megan - No news on dream job. Face to face interview is on the 30th. We'll see how it goes. I'm pretty excited.

Thanks for the good vibes!

Chris said...

I concur. Guys are assholes. You can hope to find a mild version, but they are all the same at the bottom.

MLIGCS said it best.

Trouble said...

I wouldn't use the term asshole. I've worked with like 90% guys for the last 15 years, and most of my mentors, role models, and guardians have been guys. Guys have looked out for me, taught me what they knew, defended me, and helped me. I know so MANY great guys.

The term I would use is "emotionally retarded." Almost all guys are, in one way, or another. That's not to say that they don't feel or aren't sensitive, because they are. But they don't express their emotions the same way we do. It's almost biological.

And they don't understand us, not even a little bit.

Even the best, most decent guys, have moments of retardedness. But i will say that my opinion tends to be skewed.

I tend to think there are more nice guys out there than there are nice women. I know a WHOLE LOT of backstabbing, evil, gold-digging, slutty, horrible women that I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw them.

I bet if you think about it, you do, too. So, some humans suck. But that doesn't mean we should give up on the entire human race.

When things seemed the bleakest, and I thought I would never meet a good guy, and after dating a dozen idiots, I met the chef.

bslawg said...

Love it. Emotionally retarded. Brilliant.