Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I'm Outta Here!

"Half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it."


Ahhh, the open road. The wind in my hair. The little white dashes laying out the path behind me through the American midwest. The glory of the heartland. A second mortgage for gas. I love road trips.

I'm heading out of town in a few hours. I won't be back until next week. I have no idea how "connected" I'll be, so there may be a bit of silence from me. No worries. I'm alive, and I'll have plenty of stories to tell when I return.

I promise updates on Mr. Stonecold and Lord Voldemort* when I get back. I just don't have time to type it all out before I leave.

In the mean time, if you happen to be drivin through the midwest, and you see a pissed off woman driving a big ass truck...get out of her way. I'm the queen of the road!

*Lord Voldemort - a.k.a. he who shall not be named. F.k.a. Mr. Wonderful.


SBS said...

Have fun!! We'll keep the light on for ya....

Osquer said...

Have fun! Tell them prairie dogs to duck! Don't go Thelma & Louise on us, girl! Have fun!