Friday, June 02, 2006

A Day In The Life

Well, the last 24 hours have certainly been filled with cosmic strangeness. Right now it's all a little much to digest. I'm fluttery. That's right kids. I'm fluttery. Strange things are afoot at the circle K.

You know when your shopping for that little black dress how horrible that is? You go to every store in town. Try on 98 dresses. Even stray from the black ones, thinking maybe gray or red or brown would work. By the end of the day, you're almost in a panic thinking you're going to be the only one in the world incapable of finding the little black dress. Then you walk into the most unexpected store (like Dress Barn, or TJ Max) and there's the dress. Hanging on the rack like it's been waiting for you all day long. When you finally find it, you're kind of stunned. Like, now what do I do? You almost can't believe you found it. It's too good to be true.

So you check all the seams, sure that someone left it on the rack for a reason. You have to try it on, sure that it's going to have a big stain on it someplace. But then you do, and it's perfect. Absolutely perfect.

That's where I'm at kids. I'm still checking for stains and rips. It may be out of my price range because I'm too scared to look at the price tag. I don't know if I want to try it on, because the disappointment if it doesn't fit will be devastating. I think I may have found the perfect "little black dress".

Wish me luck. This is scary.


Osquer said...

If I had a dose of the "luck virus" (a concept from the TV show Red Dwarf) I'd send it your way! As I don't I'll just have to cross my fingers for you. Makes it hard to type, but I'll manage!

SBS said...

WOW! Now, that's not something that happens every day....Go try it will be perfect....

Now, what's the occassion?

bslawg said...

Occassion? I'm such a twit today!