Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Brain Fart

I wish I had more words to describe the events of the past month. The words just escape me. Or maybe there are no words in the English language. Maybe I should learn French. No, German. No, the cool aborigine language with the clicks and the snaps. That's the language that can accurately describe the last month.

In the past month I've lost my lover, my mentor, my job, my office, my livelihood, my independence (now I have to work for the man), and for all practical purposes my mind. Strangely though I am very serene about the whole experience. I'm sure I will be paying my therapist's kid's tuition with the events of the last month, but so far I'm hangin in there.

I hung out with Mr. Stonecold last Friday. He let me cry. I've done that a lot lately. With all the loss it's inevitable. I needed to cry. Of course that led to holding, which lead to...well...I feel better now.

I'm in the middle of planning a road trip. I haven't been on a good road trip for a while. I'm pretty excited. (This ADD moment brought to you by me).

All that said, life is looking up. It simply can't get much lower than it is right now and that is a very reassuring fact. Well, except that now I have to go work for "the man". I'm not very excited about that. The steady paycheck will be nice. But I'll have to wear suits. I hate suits. I love flip flops. Why get a pedicure if I can't wear flip flops every day?

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