Saturday, February 18, 2006

Getting Mad is an Emotion

I have a headache. I could be a little hung over. It could be that I slept wrong. It could be the weather. It could be that Mr. Stonecold hasn't called yet today and I think he might be mad at me.

I didn't spend the night last night. I've never spent the night with Mr. Stonecold. When we started I told him I wasn't a "spend the night kinda girl". I need to get home to let my dogs out. I need to sleep in my own bed because I'm a bed/blanket hog. I need, let me repeat NEED, my coffee in the morning before subjected to any human interaction. I am not a pretty girl in the morning. I'm not a pretty girl when I sleep. Spending the night requires a little more confidence that the guy isn't going to run in the other direction when I Mr. Hyde in the morning.

That said, Mr. Stonecold has really been putting the pressure on to get me to spend the night. As it is we...well...and then we cuddle for a while, and then he falls asleep. Then I leave. Last night I got up to leave and he sternly ordered me to "Lay back down". Aside from the fact that it's really hot when he does things like that, I needed to leave.

Usually he calls me in the morning. Usually he calls me on his lunch break. Usually he doesn't go all day without making sure I got home ok. He hasn't called. When I called him he didn't answer the phone. I think he might be mad. Hmmmmm.

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