Monday, January 09, 2006

A Snapshot of Life

Ok, maiden voyage time. It's time to join the world of online journals. Is it because I'm a bit voyeuristic? Is it because I need an outlet beyond whining to my friends and family about my sucky life? Is it simply because I don't have enough to do at work on a daily basis that I need to create a blog so that I can sit at my desk and type and pretend I'm actually working? Yes.

So here are the basic topics to be covered:

Work. I'm a lawyer. I do law stuff. I'm in solo practice, which means I'm in control of my own destiny. I've discovered that when left to the control of my own destiny it turns into a mud puddle. I really much prefer to sit at my desk and play on my computer to actually working. I should go back to working for the government. I was a great government employee. I'm a terrible entrepreneur.

Knitting. I took up knitting a few years ago because I...Well...I did. I don't know if I'll actually post pictures. I may. I've mastered the basics. I have started creating my own patterns. Knitting has become part of the reason I don't work. I'd much prefer to knit. I knit more than I work. Hmmmm....New career?

Life. Oh yea...I should probably mention I'm a woman. I spose up till know I could have passed for a man...but I'm not. Men suck. Actually I love men. That's part of the problem. I don't understand even a little of what they do on a regular basis. I don't know that I want to understand what they do. I have a tendency to pick the worst men possible. I'm not really looking for Mr. Right, so maybe that's why I can't find him.

On life, here are the players:

Mr. Jackass: About a year ago I had been seeing Mr. Jackass for a while. He decided we shouldn't see each other anymore and he dumped me. A week later he called me and we started talking again. We "on agained off agained" for another couple of months until he decided that it would be a better use of his time to sit around and smoke pot with his friends. (I told you I can pick 'em). ANYWAY...We would talk occasionally, but nothing serious. I started looking at my other options, and moved on with life. He stopped smoking pot and decided we hadn't broken up after all. That's the background on him.

Mr. Stonecold: Mr. Stonecold and I have been drinkin buddies for about three years. I met him through Mr. Jackass. He's about the most jaded individual in the history of the world, if you exclude me. Over the course of the past three years we'd go out drinkin and I'd whine about Mr. Jackass. Then Mr. Jackass and I finally broke up for good. You can guess what happened next. So that's been goin on for about two months now. What a mind fuck. But WOW is it amazing.

Ms. Twinkie: Ms. Twinkie is my best friend. I actually me her through Mr. Jackass too. She's a trip. About the time I decide I'm the most unlucky human being on the planet when it comes to life and love she manages to top me. Together we share our passions for knitting, chocolate and bad relationships.

Ms. Reality: Ms. Reality is my best friend from law school. I love her dearly. She keeps me grounded. She's the most real person I've ever met.

Ms. Lil-Sis: Ms. Lil-Sis is my little sister. She's awesome in every way. She thinks I've got it all together. Little does she know.

Ms. Lil-lil-Sis: She's my youngest sister. She's still workin on life. She's worse with relationships than I am. I hope I didn't have anything to do with it, but I'm a'feard I did.

So that's it. Happy reading!

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