Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'll take people who are dating for $200.

I'm a lawyer. I understand the importance of defining terms. When you write a contract and the contract calls for the work to be completed in 10 days, does that mean 10 business days? Are we counting the day that the contract was signed? Are we counting days as 24 hour periods? As a lawyer I understand the statement "it depends on the definition of 'is'".

That said...Mr. Stonecold is a twit. As I've stated before we've been "amazing" for a couple of months now. Initially it started as "friends with benefits". Now men and women define the beneficial friendship differently. Women define friends with benefits as men they sleep with who they haven't convinced they're in a relationship yet. Men define friends with benefits as women they sleep with.

Understanding the male definition of friends with benefits I was ok with the relationship. I was willing to work within the confines of the relationship. We are still great friends. We have the ability to hang out and talk about anything and everything. We don't have to see each other every day. We don't have to talk to each other every day. He doesn't call and ask where I've been if I don't call him for a couple of days. He doesn't expect me to cook him dinner, move in to his house, or do his laundry. We have amazing sex when we have sex. And I mean AMAZING. Like "rockyourworldwhythehellhaven'tIbeendoingthislongerwhydoesithavetostop" Amazing. Then I became a girl.

The problem with friends with benefits, built in to the definition, is the unanswered question of what benefits don't I get, and who else is getting your benefits? I'm old enough that I am concerned about the morning after. I don't want to catch anything. I'm not totally emotionally comfortable with the guy I'm sleeping with sleeping with other people on our "off nights". And in typical girl reaction I had to react before he did.

So I started lookin around with the male definition in my head, thinking he was lookin around too. The problem...he wasn't. So that's where we get back to the problem with the definition.

We hang out at least a couple times a week. We are in a monogamous sexual relationship (which is Amazing with a capital "a" - have I mentioned that?). We talk all the time. We're really good friends. I've met his family. He knows all about mine. We don't have sex every time we hang out. Sometimes we just hang out. We have the same friends. We go out with his friends. We go out with my friends. We go out as a couple when we go out. We go out to dinner and he pays. He calls me Sunshine when he calls. Now...what's the question? Is it - Who are people who are dating Alex?

So we had the talk. I put it to him just like that. But he still does not define our relationship as "dating". We're still just "friends with benefits". What the fuck buddy.

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