Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tagged, a Delayed Response Six Weird Things About Me

So about two weeks ago Sean tagged me. Yeah, I know, delayed reaction. Honestly, it took me a while to think of six weird things that y'all don't already know. Between the neurotic fairy tale romance of the last year and a half, and the top 100 list, there really isn't much left. But, as promised...

"According to the rules, each player of this game starts with the title "Six Weird Things About Me." People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own six weird things and state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose six people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, 'You are tagged!' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!"

1. I cannot sleep in an unmade bed. This is not to say that I have to make my bed every morning. I do make my bed almost every morning, just because I like to have a made bed. But I absolutely, positively MUST have a made bed before I get in to go to sleep. Otherwise the sheets are all blecky and get tangled in my feet.

2. I'm a water snob. I only drink distilled water. In a pinch I'll drink Aquifina, but really I prefer distilled. I haven't drank tap water in years. I won't order water at the restaurant. I won't drink water out of a fountain. There is something about water that isn't pure H2O that simply grosses me out.

3. I'm much more comfortable speaking to a large group of people than I am speaking to people one on one. If given the choice I'd give a lecture to a group of 300 over having a one on one conversation with a stranger any day of the week.

4. I hate shopping. I don't mind buying, but I hate shopping. The process of walking through the store, looking at everything on the shelf, filling the cart, and then standing in line like a lemming drives me nuts. If I'm going to the store, I know what I'm going to buy, I walk in, pick it up, buy it, and leave.

5. I have no feeling in the right side of my lower lip. When they took my wisdom teeth out they cut a nerve. So when I'm nervous, or stressed, I chew on my lip.

6. I am now, officially, the only attorney in the county with both piercings and a tattoo. Shh, don't tell anyone.

I would tag a bunch of people, but quite frankly I don't know that I know six people who read the blog regularly who would actually respond. But thanks Sean, this was my first official tag.


Paperback Writer said...

Wow, you're a rebel. A tattoo and a piercing?!?


SBS said...

Chris tagged me awhile back and I never did do it....I need to get on that. Great answers, by the way.

Sean said...

thanks so much for doing it. glad i got to be the first.