Monday, October 23, 2006

Martian Death Flu

I have the Martian Death Flu. I don't say that for sympathy, but to tell you why I likely won't be around much for the next couple of days. I feel like death. God/Allah/Buddha/Vishnu/Snoopy hates me.

On a lighter note...this is my horoscope for the day:

"If you have been struggling with an emotional conflict, it may be time to let it go. Of course, this may not be so easy to do, since your emotions run very deep. Don't look for the fast fix. Sometimes the real magic in a relationship stems from those differences that won't go away. Recognizing this dichotomy and respecting each other's beliefs sets the stage for creating common ground instead of fighting over that which cannot be solved."

It made me giggle.

By the way...he let me sniffle and whine about being sick last night. He's adorable. He even offered to make me tea. The fact that he has tea to make is a little shocking in and of itself. And he makes me smile, even when I'm pissy and sick. I love that.

But, even though I'm sick, work doesn't stop. I have about 75 pages worth of (*&^% I have to have read and comment on by the end of business. Unfortunately the Martian Death Flu makes it so I'm having a hard time even sitting up. Ugh.

No rest for the wicked.


Chris said...

Feel better!

SBS said...

I tried to comment earlier, but blogger wouldn't let me....ugghhh blogger.

UGGGHHHH martain death flu, too!

Okay, stay hydrated. And, all of that jazz....

Isn't having to work when sick the worst.....

I hope you kick the martian death eater's ass, soon!!!! In other words, feel better.....

bslawg said...

Oh, and I sound like Fat Albert when I talk.

I'm damn sexy.

SBS said...


SBS said...

Hope today finds you feeling better!!!

Paperback Writer said...

I hope you feel better honey! Drink some tea, have some chicken noodle soup and stay warm. :)