Friday, October 06, 2006

'Bout Damn Time

Tonight's the night. After a year of not dating. After a year of not going on a "date". After countless fights on why we can't "date". After heartwrenching conversations about why we're still not "dating". After the realization that this is likely our one and only. Tonight is our first date.

This is the guy who has seen me cry...a lot. This is the guy who has seen me drunker than drunk should be. This is the guy who has seen me while I was studying for the bar. This is the guy who has seen me in sweats and a ponytail. This is the guy who has seen me with car grease on my nose. This is the guy who has seen me with pale pasty white legs in the spring. This is the guy who's seen me PMS and stress out and cry and laugh all in a 10 minute time frame. And I'm nervous.

My nails are done. My shoes are picked out. My "little black dress" is steamed and ready to go. My make-up is ready to go on, and my hair is prepped and ready to go up. And I feel like I'm 15 again. Why? Because I'm a girl, and I can.

That said, I can honestly say I'm not picking out baby names. THAT's not going to happen. I am not wearing socks this evening, so I don't need to worry about the lucky ones. And I haven't had a practice date with a "pro" in preparation. BUT...I am chanting "don'tfuckthisup", and I will leave you with promises to update tomorrow!

Happy Friday y'all!


Sean said...

i hope it's a magical night for both of you.

Jericho said...

Here's to a good date :)

You are going to share the details, right? ;)

Thanks for commenting and agreeing to be interviewed... while I am not exactly sure, I think that puts you about third in line.

Have a great weekend!

Paperback Writer said...

Good luck!

SBS said...

Can't wait to hear all about it!! I hope it's so wonderful and magical that it makes all of the shit worth it and leaves you with that happy ever more feeling....