Sunday, September 03, 2006

Once Upon a Time...

Two posts in one day. *Gasp* Yeah, I'm looking for things to do.

So, Sean posed an interesting question. Have you ever had that "someone" who was perfect for you, and who you were perfect for? And if so, did you ever make it work? At least, that's the gist of it.

In Jr. High I went to church camp every summer. (I keep telling y'all I'm a geek). In about 7th grade I met this guy...let's call him, um, Boy. So, Boy and I were friends. Just friends. He was a flirt. I was a flirt. He had his camp girlfriends, I had my camp boyfriends, but we were always buddies.

So, all the way through Jr. High and High School we kept in touch. We lived about 200 miles apart, and this was WAY before e-mail. We would visit each other on breaks. We would make sure we were at the same camp each summer. We would call, and write, and all that stuff.

After graduation we ended up at the same college. We didn't really just end up there, we kinda decided together that's where we were going. We hung out. We dated each other's friends. Throughout this time, occasionally things would happen where we would look at each other and wonder if maybe we should go for more. It just never happened.

And then I got engaged. And he got engaged. And he got married. And had kids. And became a soccer dad. And now he hunts all the time. We still talk. We still get together and hang out every now and then. But in all reality, we weren't meant to be together. He's one of my best friends, and always will be. But if I had ended up with him I would have shot him already.

And that's the story of a Boy and a Lawgirl.


Sean said...

thanks for sharing it. :)

Gator said...

I still talk to my friend like that, too. He never married and I'm on my second. After I married the first one, he declared his love for me but it was too late. After my divorce we tried to get things going but it just didn't work. I married number two and he declared his love and stupidity for not doing something about it. I guess we will never know if it was meant to be or not. He his a tad self-absorbed into his own life. It's a really good story that I should put down in writing someday....