Monday, August 21, 2006

Turn Turn Turn

I just realized it's Monday, and I haven't posted since Saturday. Actually I knew it was Monday all day, I just realized I hadn't posted since Saturday. Ok, so I knew I hadn't posted since Saturday, but they all just came together.

So anyway, we had our non-date on Saturday. It was...well...odd. I think he was distracted by life. He seemed distracted, or stressed, or something. Maybe he was just stressed. He's been stressed for a while. Then again, he's always stressed. I think if he actually relaxed he'd fall into a puddle of putty.

We had dinner. We went shopping (he he he). He bought me my favorite liqueur (Godiva...fantastic). It was Amazing. He was amazing. As always. Then he fell asleep. Zonked. Out. No revival, asleep.

It probably shouldn't have irked me, but it did. I don't know what I expected. I knew he was tired. I knew he was going to crash early because he hadn't been sleeping good. I guess I just needed a little cuddle and he was sleeping. So I left. I always leave.

Then fast forward to today. He didn't work today. He is bummed about life in general. I understand being bummed about life in general. Mostly it's because the kids are gone, but it's other things too. We ran some errands, ate some dinner (fantastic steak at a hole in the wall steak house - my favorite), and went and grabbed some coffee. Still...not a date.

So while where drinking our coffee we started talking about him re-enlisting in the military. He was in for 8 years during the first Gulf War. He's seen some serious shit. But the more he talked about it, the more excited he got. It is the most excited I've seen him about anything in a long time. I think he may actually do this.

We went home, and looked up all the requirements online. He was convinced he was too old to go back in. He's not. He can still join. He'll get tons of bonuses and stuff because he's done all the stuff they need people to do right now.

Now, politics aside, the people who serve our country in the armed forces are some of the most amazing people I've had the honor of knowing. Some of them suck. But the overwhelming fact is they are in better shape than I am, and are willing to do things with a commitment I'm not willing to make. I respect that. I just don't want him to leave. I just can't tell him that.

So tomorrow we're going to the recruiter's office. Something I haven't done with a guy for almost 15 years. And something I never thought I'd do again. To everything turn turn turn.


Chris said...

Oh wow. An interesting couple days. The military idea is scary at the current time. I think it would be hard for you for him to go. But you are being supportive. I hope it works out.

Paperback Writer said...

Hmmmm....I think you should tell him that you don't want him to leave. If he still wants to go reenlist then go with him. But keeping something like you not wanting him to reenlist will only turn into a game of "what if."

Here. That was my two cents.

SBS said...

Well, that just sucks. There is nothing else to is sucks.

Sean said...
