Monday, June 05, 2006

It's a Bright Sunshiney Day

What a day in Bloggerland! Ro's computer crashed, so we were all left without the necessary guidance of the day. BUMMER! SB has come back with a vengeance! Bea has been keeping us entertained throughout the day with trivia even Stephen Hawkings wouldn't get. And my sweet, sweet SBS has me craving funnel cake like never before. Osquer not only continues to amaze me with her poetic skills, but also with the tidiness of her kitchen...NOT FAIR! And our very favorite consummate bachelor may soon be off the market...(thanks to one of his readers none the less!!! Tell us, tell us, we're dying to know!) All in all, thanks to you guys I haven't gotten a damn thing done today.

Here? Here things are as crazy as usual. Mr. Wonderful is still wonderful. We'll see how long he sticks around, but for now I figure I'll enjoy what I can get...cold feet and all. I haven't talked to Mr. Stonecold since Friday night, but I'll see him tomorrow. Should prove to be interesting with Mr. Wonderful in the picture. Ms. Twinke is still celibate...Barely, all thanks to her snoopy roommate. And Ms. Lil-lil Sis is in the middle of break up number 56 with her current boyfriend.

Trucks runnin' great! I'm a bad ass. Still need a job workin for the man. But for now...I'm just enjoying the sun.

Thanks for keeping me occupied!


bslawg said...

SB - Like I said, glad to see you back. We missed you. I don't know that any man is truely ever off the market...but as far as Pgh goes, sounds like he's smitten!

SBS said...

I love reading your blog too!!! I have you under my "Favorites" tab :)

Hope all goes well with Mr. Stonecold tomorrow...I say you should rub Mr. Wonderful in his face and make him wish he was as half as lucky!

Continue to have a good day, my friend....

Osquer said...

Actually, that fridge is in my bedroom. My housing arangements are a bit...unusual.

My poetry has been benefiting quite a bit from the fact that I know people are reading it. Talking to other bloggers also gives me ideas. To quote my patron saint, Eeyore, "Thanks for noticing me."